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Successful Field Missions Continue as AIVDP Installs Contractors in Beneficiary Communities
29 Jan

The New Year ignited new targets for the Agricultural Infrastructure Value Chain Development Project as the team succeeded in executing additional community mobilizations in Mungo and Ndian Production Basins. The overall objective of the mission was to officially introduce and install the contractors at the different construction sites in the beneficiary communities. 

Led by Project’s Value Chain Cooperative Specialist (VCCS), the first team, which consisted of the Mungo Basin Supervisor, Representative for the Design & Supervision Consultants, Representative of George & Jerry Construction Co, set out to successfully to meet  communities in Mungo Production Basin South West Region. The second team, comprising of the Value Chain Cooperative Specialist, Ndian Basin Supervisor, and Representative of the Design & Supervision Consultant and Representative of Atemcal Com. Services Co. Ltd set off for Ndian Production Basin some days later. The five day operation saw the team visit communities in subdivisions of Tombel, Mundemba and Ekondo Titi, where the team would commence with activities.   

By standard operational procedures, communities receiving infrastructures require introductions before construction works take place. After a word of prayer and thanks, the team leader stressed the importance of collaboration between all parties; contractors, the Project and communities in achieving project success and defined the role of each party. The Project identifies beneficiary communities, selects and charters services of appropriate contractors then supervises constructions. In addition, it educates the community on the use, management, and sustenance of the infrastructure. On the other hand, the role of the contractor fulfils all technical aspects; preparing the site for construction, deploying workers and materials to the site to commence work, acquiring local material provided by the beneficiary community as well as recruiting skilled labour from the beneficiary village and or surrounding communities. The most pivotal role, however lies with the beneficiary communities as the Projects hinges on the mobilization of communities to support and actively participate in project activities. In the latter scenario, communities participate by providing land, local skilled and unskilled labour for construction in addition to local construction materials and committees to manage and protect these infrastructures once handed over by the Project.


VCCS Meeting  with the Ebonji Community and Installation of Contractor on Site

Community sensitization on project activities is key as it fosters knowledge creation of project activities as well as building social support for beneficiary communities. In relation to communities of Nyasso, Ngusi and Ebonji, the construction of market infrastructure will provide durable, comfortable structures where vendors and their produce are protected from harsh weather. Villages such as Mbulle, Ndom and Besingi will benefit from the construction of farmgate hangars (otherwise known as collection points) which will enable the assembly of farmers and middlemen to conduct business effectively. Consequently, equipping communities with information and realizations that postharvest losses can be reduced, market attendance intensified and income enhanced as a result of implementing these structures, encourages their participative collaboration towards achieving development goals.                                                                              


 Meeting with the Population of Mbulle at Food Market and Installation of Contractor on Site

Project recipients continued to express their enthusiasm, which was largely measured by the countless participants in meetings. In addition to the voluminous turnout, attendants probed for information wherever possible conveying eagerness at the prospect of the structures set to facilitate tedious daily operations.  Despite the heartfelt welcome, many voiced their desire for market hangers, markets and health centres to be constructed before the beginning of the rainy season in May. The implementation of contractors has served as the first stepping stone on the path to construction. It is now up to them to respect Project engagements and foster community collaboration.