Susan, 57, beams as she fills her bucket with clean water flowing effortlessly from the tap mere meters away from her home. This seemingly simple act, once a luxury, now defines her new reality in Lyongo, a developing community in the outskirts of Buea, in Cameroon’s South West Region. For years, Constance and her fellow villagers endured a daily struggle for potable water. Their children would brave the perilous journey across a busy highway to fetch murky water from a stream. The risks were evident, and accidents were not uncommon. Moreover, consuming dirty water exposed Susan's household and others in the community to a multitude of diseases like diarrhea, cholera and typhoid. It was a daily battle, with the constant fear of falling ill casting a shadow over their health and well-being.
AIVDP Brings Hope
The tides turned for Susan and her community about two months ago when the AIVDP water scheme designed for Lyongo village was completed. With stand taps installed at various locations of the village, there is a steady flow of potable water right in front of the homes of community members. The days of agonizing over how much water to allocate for each chore are over. Laundry, cooking, and even the simple act of washing hands, once fraught with worry are now effortless acts. The burden that weighed heavily on women and children has been lifted, replaced by a newfound sense of empowerment and dignity. As Susan puts it “Imagine – bathing even three times a day! That was a dream but thanks to AIVDP, water now flows freely from our taps! Words can't express our gratitude for this life-changing gift. AIVDP and its partners have truly transformed our community.”
AIVDP's Comprehensive Approach
The new found joy in Lyongo is one of countless transformations rippling across different communities in the South West Region. Under the Project, 32 water schemes, including the one in Lyongo, are being constructed or rehabilitated as the case may be in communities facing similar water challenges. Mr. Ashu Stephen, the Project's Infrastructure Engineer, explains the vision behind the approach of utilizing solar energy for most of the water schemes. "Sustainability is key," he emphasizes. "That's why 28 of the 32 water schemes we're constructing utilize solar energy, reducing costs for communities and minimizing our environmental footprint and thus ensuring sustainability. This way, not only are we ensuring a continuous water supply but also we are minimizing the burden on the environment”.
To ensure that this precious liquid continues to flow very long after the Project is done, AIVDP has put in place Management Committees (Mancoms) and is training Care Takers Committees (CTC) of plumbers where ever these infrastructures are being realized.
This focus on sustainability reflects AIVDP's holistic approach to development. Under its Basic Social and Public Infrastructure component, the Project is setting up not just water schemes, but also constructing 50 Ventilated Improved Pit latrines and 7 Community Empowerment centers as well as constructing and equipping 7 health centers. These initiatives aim to create a ripple effect, fostering better health, education, and economic opportunities for the entire Region. This holistic approach aims to uplift the community, addressing their diverse needs and improving their overall quality of life.
AIVDP, a multi-million-dollar project sponsored by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF), has brought about a remarkable transformation in the South West Region of Cameroon. Its positive impact is felt by millions, particularly women and youth who are experiencing a surge in income thanks to job creation and improved agricultural practices.
The project's unwavering commitment to providing essential services, such as clean water and social infrastructure, has uplifted the lives of countless individuals in the South West Region of Cameroon. As the community of Lyongo revels in their newfound access to safe and clean water, they stand as a shining example of resilience and hope, inspiring others to strive for a better tomorrow.